Selasa, 22 April 2014

Love (how people express their love to special someone)

By: Andryanus

"The word "LOVE"
love, have you ever heard about love?? or do you know the definition of love??? :D.
in some dictionaries said that love is an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment or  It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection. The conclusion that I make is: love is when you feel that you are comfortable or you want to be with the one you like.
 so this is the main event, How do you express it?
If you read this, maybe you will laugh and say that i have done this before without you realized it.

The first is, that most of you give more attention to she or him... is that right??? wkwkwk. :D.
The second is care about her, everyday you will text her or send her a message to ask her like: what are you doing? or have you eaten?? may be you will tell her not to eat too late.
The third is you want to be the part of his or her life, that means that you want to be with her, do the same activities such as if she or he goes to the canteen, you will follow her or him. 

And the last is give some present to that someone special or surprise like on your someone special's birthday or some special event like graduation.
Of course the ultimate words when you express your love is when
you say I LOVE YOU.. hahahaha. i don't need to explain about this one.

but, all of this just a theory. In reality or real life you will do something like this or even greater may be it can be different from this theories. Because, you will instantly act without you realizing it.

just wait for the next post (To Be Continued)



This is my fifth post. the topic is about internet usage in daily life.
"search engine" one of functions in internet access"
So, i think that internet access has positive effects and negative effects. But, how do they access their internet?
In this globalization era, most of us already used gadget to access the internet such as: mobile phone, modem, WIFI connection, and many others.

If we can access the internet, there are must be had positive and negative effects.
The positive effects are: we can get more information from internet access, helps people to make their works easier. so we don't have to open many books to study, and to contact people who far away from us. there are many others positive effects for internet usage.
And what about the negative effects?

The negative effects that happen in social life are like addicted with the internet. So, they spend most of their time just to access the internet, they access the internet to search something that shouldn't be searched like pornography, and there are still many of the effects.

In the end the internet usage in daily life depends on the people who use it. If the internet usage will bring the positive or negative effects.


Gypsy people

what's in your mind when you see this picture?

yes,she is a beautiful woman. But, do not get fool by her look. she could be one of deadly woman in the world. she is a gypsy girl. Gypsies (or Romani, as they call themselves, the Gypsy word for "men") originated in northern India 1,000 years ago. Their language, called Romani, is undoubtedly related to Hindu and other Indian languages. Their image has always been controversial in the eyes of the Europeans: in some novels and movies they are depicted as extremely hospitable, careless, nomadic beings, animating sadness or happiness through singing and dancing. The other image is that of unadapted, dirty, untrustworthy people. 
When gypsies arrived, they were strangers for them, with their dark skin, black eyes and hair, clothing, habits and language. Moreover, gypsies remained isolated, a habit probably inherited from the caste system of India. But curiosity would be replaced by lack of trust within a few decades.In their nomadic life, gypsies turned to skilled blacksmiths and traders, but also talented artists, while many women pretend having supernatural powers to make a living. Their lifestyle also impeded too much cultural connections with those who were not gypsies (called gadje in Rromani or pallo in Calo, the Gypsy Spanish variant). Still, gypsies adopted the religion of the majority in their area. In Europe, they are Christians, whilst in the Middle East gypsies, called Dom, are Muslims.

Senin, 21 April 2014

Antar ajong ceremony

By : Nurul

This time, i'm going to tell you about a traditional ritual ceremony which spread out in paloh, tanah hitam, sambas regency. Antar ajong is a traditional ritual ceremony to plant paddy that's carried out every year in the planting season. It is usually held in the middle year around june or july. Why this is held is because of habit and tradition. this ceremony is carrying a boat to the sea with a few things inside the boat. start with called evil spirits and then release the boat to the sea.
People believe that this ceremony  can prevent the public from all the negative things such as disease outbreaks, pest plants, and natural disaster. It's also a sign to began the planting season. After the ceremony was held, people who lived in the village are not allowed to slaughter any animal. And the risk of the tradition banned was violated.
This is a picture of Antar Ajong ceremony...

Reference :

Jumat, 18 April 2014

How do ant communicate?


kehidupan semut

This time topic's is how do ants communicate with each other. They do not talk like human. As far as i know, they're communicate with their antenna. When they meet each other, they will touch each other to make point. With touching each other, they can find out where they've been before, is there any food that they found somewhere ,or knowing where is the predators in that they just need to put their front legs on with each other to communicate.

Average of ants do interaction  40 times, and about 10% from ants can do more than 100 contact with other ants. A group from stanford university also did a reservation the reason that make an ants have more inclination in team work and socialization with other ants.


Senin, 14 April 2014

Primordial man the last era (Neolitikum)

By: Andryanus

Finally this is the last about Primordial man..... Primordial man in Neolitkum era.
This the era where the primordial man made an great evolution. In this era they are really modern, but it doesn’t mean that they have a mobile phone yet.. hahaha :D.

What I mean modern is how they lived, the tools they used, and the place where they lived at.
First is how they live. They still lived in group and helped each other . They didn’t live nomadic again.. So where did they live?? The made a house to live. Of course they used  the tools, even the tools were made of stone but it shaped well.

Second how did they get some food to eat???? In this era they moved from food gathering to food producing that means they made their own food by growing crops and raising livestock. They didn’t hunt anymore.
Primordial man in neolitikum

As long as the earth still rotates, humans, plants, and animals definitely change. Because they have to adapt with their environment. The environtment will change year by year, month by month, of course day by day. Same like humans, plants,and animals they are not only going to change year by year, month by month, and day by day, but every second. They have to change in order to adapt in this era especially the Globalization era.

I hope you enjoy reading this. wait for my next post :D.


Minggu, 13 April 2014

Primordial man (mesolitikum)

By: Andryanus

Okay…….  As I promised you, today's topic is about Primordial man in Mesolitikum era.
What happened in mesolitikum era??? The Primordial man changed the way they lived. But not really the changed is not really big. So, what had changed?? What is the difrencess between paleolitikum and mesolitikum???

First, they start not to live nomadic because they began to have a fix abode. They lived near beach so they can catch a fish to eat.
Second, they only hunt at that area so what happen if they have no more preys??? In mesolitikum era they start to plant some vegetables. they start farming. They didn't plant any vegetables in paleolitikum.

Picture of Mesolitikum

So, what I have learnt in this mesolitikum era is,  we can’t stay the same as we are. That means we have to change in order to live. Change means we have to adapt with our environment, if not you can’t survive. B-).


Sabtu, 12 April 2014

primordial man (paleolitikum)

By: Andryanus

Okay.. So here I am again. I will tell you about how primordial man lived in 3 eras. The eras are Paleolitikum Mesolitikum and Neolitikum. this week I will tell how primordial man lived in Paleolitikum era. In Paleolitikum era, the primodial man lives nomadic. They move from other place to the other place.
Why they live like this???. Because they have to survive . to get more supplies of  food. They live near water flow, in a cave, or on the tree.

They live in a group.. why?? because they have to hunt to eat. it's more easier to do it in a group. so they can help each other.
They use stone, wood, and animal bone to make hunting equipment. And they use this hunting equipment to keep them self  from any danger.
What about their clothes?? the clothes are made of from their hide (animal skin). And in this era they can use fire to cook, not only to cook but to warmed up their body and to afraid the animals.

Pimordial man in Palielitikum
I can't imagine if i were in this era.. can i survive?? LOL :D.
but one thing thati got from this post, that if you want to live you have to do something. such as work, get something to eat and etc. if we don't do anything we can't survive wherever we are.

The next post will be How Primodial man lives in Mesolitikum era. 
