Senin, 14 April 2014

Primordial man the last era (Neolitikum)

By: Andryanus

Finally this is the last about Primordial man..... Primordial man in Neolitkum era.
This the era where the primordial man made an great evolution. In this era they are really modern, but it doesn’t mean that they have a mobile phone yet.. hahaha :D.

What I mean modern is how they lived, the tools they used, and the place where they lived at.
First is how they live. They still lived in group and helped each other . They didn’t live nomadic again.. So where did they live?? The made a house to live. Of course they used  the tools, even the tools were made of stone but it shaped well.

Second how did they get some food to eat???? In this era they moved from food gathering to food producing that means they made their own food by growing crops and raising livestock. They didn’t hunt anymore.
Primordial man in neolitikum

As long as the earth still rotates, humans, plants, and animals definitely change. Because they have to adapt with their environment. The environtment will change year by year, month by month, of course day by day. Same like humans, plants,and animals they are not only going to change year by year, month by month, and day by day, but every second. They have to change in order to adapt in this era especially the Globalization era.

I hope you enjoy reading this. wait for my next post :D.


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