By: Andryanus
so... i bring this topic again "LOVE (does she love you)" why it has to be does she love you??" why not does he love you??? it's simple because i' m a boy. :D.
Get in the topic. for the boys, do you ever feel or think or may be you ask yourselves "does she love me?" because after all you did for her , she doesn't respond your feeling.
so, here are my tricks to know "does she love you"
first, is the way she responds to your messages. example like when you ask her what is she doing and then she reply what she doing and ask you back, that could be the signal that she attracted to you. That could be the first step of her starting to love you.
Second, when she is talking to you. If she smiles or plays with her hair while she's talking to you, she might loves you.
Third, when you are being in the same place with her. If she try to look catchy or act for attention, she might want you to look at her.
but, all of this just theories. these are just some people perpective. we don't know how the other people show their love. you have to experience it by yourselves if you want to know does she love you or not...
Dita Nuraini Tiara
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