Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

Social Class in America

By : Silfiani

Social class is where the society put the people into classes.. In America, some of them simply believe in three classes including the rich class, middle class and the poor.. But some of them make it more complex into five classes..

~ Upper Class
    This is the elite class.. They are the leaders.. Some of them maybe the heads of companies, universities, corporations, CEO, celebrities, and others.. They come with great wealth and power.. Their annual income is $9,5 million or more..

~ Upper Middle Class
    Their wealth is less than the upper class but they have a higher standard living than the lower middle class.. They usually have high educational status.. They are the lawyers, doctors, architects, professors, engineers, civil service executives, physicians, civilian contractors and dentists..

~ Lower Middle Class
    They are white-collar workers.. They hold low status professional.. They have comfortable incomes but their salary are low accumulated.. They are nurses, school teachers..

~ Working Class
    They usually do the physical work that required low skill.. They may have school diploma.. They usually do not have college degree.. They are farmers, craft workers, restaurant workers, repair shops and many others..

~ Lower Class
   They have low education, low income and low status jobs.. They are the poorest class of the society.. They are usually unskilled.. For example the seasonal farmers, the social services, and store cashiers..

So, there are the social classes in America..

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