Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

Mobile Phone in Our Life

By : Silfiani

Nowadays, the people around me all have their own phone or phones, except my youngest sister, she doesn't have her own yet so she plays my other sister's, lol..
Okay,, so let's talk about our hand phone.. Is it important to you?? I bet you will answer yes.. Because you absolutely can't live a day without your precious hand phone..

So, why our hand phone is so important?? It can helps us to stay connected with our family and friends.. That's the very basic use of hand phone, we can send the messages an call by using our hand phone..
But, when you're boring you take out your phone and play some games from it.. When you're doing your assignment and need google, you take out your phone and surf the internet... When you're sad and need some music, you take out your phone and listen to music or radio.. When you're on a trip, you take out your phone and take some pictures.. 

When you're going to eat your food, you take out your phone and snap some pictures of your food.. -Ohh well, the last one is absolutely not me but I'm pretty sure that some of you did that.. And many other examples where we really can't be separated from our phone.. When we forget to bring it with us, it feels like we're not complete.. Just like eating the plain rice.. It's just not satisfying..

But, don't worry.. When you don't have your phone with you, look around. You maybe can find your friends somewhere, go and talk to them.. Ohh no!! Why does it sound like you replace your phones with your friends?? Shouldn't it your phones that have replaced your friends?? Ahh, either way, you have to answer it yourselves..
Both our friends and phones can't be separated from our social life, right??
Make a wise choice and enjoy your social life :D

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