Selasa, 08 Juli 2014


by : Nurul

This time, my topics is about different directions in different countries. and now i'm going to tell you what kind of direction that someone will tell you in different countries. there are so many styles of direction.
First country that i will talking about how they give a direction to some place is japan. In japan,most streets don't have names. so, people in japan will  use landmarks in their directions. for example, " go straight down to the corner, turn left at the big hotel with the sushi bar and go past the mini market ".
Second is United States. In the countryside of the American, there are not usually many landmarks. there are no mountains, so the land is very flat. in many places there are no towns or buildings for miles.resident of the flatlands will tell you direction like north, south, east, and west and distances, like two miles. for example, " take this road here, go straight north for two miles, make a right turn, and then go another mile in a northeast direction. keep to the left around the curve, then merge with local route. but people in towns or citizen moght say " go straight for five blocks, turn left at main street, go to the third stoplight and turn right. that's sixth street, the police office is two blocks up on your left..
Third is Los Angeles, residents of this pacific coast area are almost always in their cars, so they measure distance in time. for example, if you ask some place they might answer " i guess it's about five minutes from here". if you ask how many miles, kilometers or blocks that will you take to go there, they rarely know - or they can seldom say.
Fourth is Greece. sometimes, people in greece do not even try to give directions. that's because a tourist seldom understand the greek language. instead, a greek person may motion or gesture or say " follow me ", then that person will lead you through the streets of a city to the post office.
Fifth its New York. if you ask some place that they don't know, a New Yorker might say " sorry, i have no idea " and walk away quickly.
Sixth is Yukatan, Mexico, not many residents answer " i don't know ". people in yukatan may believe that a quick " i don't know " is impolite. They might stay and talk to you and usually thay'll try to give an answer, sometimes a wrong one. if you don't know streets in Yukatan, you can get really lost in this southern region.
oke. i hope this is useful for you guys. thanks.

resource : Reading book. Interactions 1 , Silver Edition (Elaine Kirn . Pamela Hartmann )

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