Selasa, 08 Juli 2014


by : Nurul

In the previous post, Silfi was talking abou social class in America, but this time, i'm going to talking about student life in western,because i think, student life in western is interesting topics to talk about, because they have a different social life with my country (indonesia). As we know, Student life in university is different all around the world. all i want to talk about is how the social life of student in western. as far as i know, student in western sometime choose to have part-time job. they will attend the college and then go to a part-time job for gain more money. for me, its really hard for learn and work at the same day. but if they don't do that, they will not have enough money to fulfill their life cost.

People in western are usually expense their own life after graduate school. they don't want to spend their parents money because they want to be useful for themselves without burden their parents. In western, students only have 2 days free in one weeks. its friday and saturday. that's why american people are commonly says "thanks good its friday" , because they just have two days for relaxing and having fun with friends or family. as far as i know, all activity of work or study are been off on that day.
After study for 5 days in 1 week, student will choose to spend time with friends. such as go to bars, exercising,  hanging out and making dinner with friends or just going out to a movie.
So, thats a little thing that i want to share with you. i'm sorry if this is not realy good. see you on the next post

Resource : from what i heard from my lecturers

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