By: Andryanus
Today’s topic is about
pet and their master. Every people in the world treat their pet differently. Just take people in the western area
like USA,England , and many other. They treat their animal like their own
They even give their pet a name and make a house for them even they eat like human three times a day. But, in eastern area, like
Indonesia, people do not treat their pet
really well. Although they feed them,
give a name but they do not treat them like the western people.
of the pet that most of people maintain is dog. Why dog??? Because dog is a
loyal animal.
it still depend on you, how you treat them . if you treat them well, they will
be loyal with you, if not it will be the
reverse. Even a dog wants to sacrifice and die for their master if he/ she is in danger.
Hachiko"a movie and a name of a dog that loyal with his mater untik the master is dead" |
Same like human, human can be loyal and can be
even more loyal than animal, because human is the best and highest creation
that God makes. But, it still depends on how people in social treat each person they do
not treat them well they will attack you and if you treat them well, they will be loyal
with you. So, if you want someone be loyal with you TREAT THEM WELL!
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