by : Nurul
by : Nurul
we would ask, how do I get to live longer or have longevity? because only a few people in this world who have lived more than 110 years and still be healthy. very much to argue about this. The following are some of the places that it has a long life around the world.
Hunza in the Himalayan Mountains
Hunza is at a very high atitude in the himalayan mountains of asia. there many people over 100 years of age are still in good physical health. additionally, men of 90 are new fathers, and women of 50 still have babies. what are the reasons for this good health? scientists believe that the people of Hunza have these three main advantages or benefits. 1,a healthful unpolluted environment with clean air and water. 2, a simple diet high in vitamins, fiber, and nutrition but low in fat, cholesterol, sugar, and unnatural chemical. 3, physical work and other activities, usually in the fields or with animals. Do you believe it ? well, that's the truth.
The Russian Caucasians and Vilcabamba
People in caucasus mountains in russia are also famous for their longevity. Official birth records were not available, but the community says a woman called Tsurba lived until age 160. Similarly, a man called Shirali probably lived until 168., moreover, his widow was 120 years old. In general, the people not only live a long time, but they also live well. in other words, they are almost never sick. furthermore, when they die, they not only have their own teeth but also a full head of hair, and good eyesight too. Vilcabamba, ecuador, is another area famous for the longevity of its inhabitans. One reason for the good health of the people might be the clean, beautiful environment, another advantage is the moderate climate.
That's some place that the person has a long life, in other words a person's age exceeds the normal length. they are right there. certainty is not clear why they can live longer with a healthy body and even seldom or never sick. some experts believe that physical movement and a stress-free environmental might be the two most important secrets of longevity. Nevertheless, some doctors theorize that members of especially longlived populations have only one thing in common : they don't have valid official government birth records. these health scientist think there is a natural limit to the length of human life, in their theories, it is impossible to reach an age of more than 110 yers or so. Therefore, they say, claims of unusual longevity in certain groups are probably false.
Source : Reading book , Interaction 1 , Silver Edition
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